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In the examples folder you'll find benchmarks comparing xgbse to other survival analysis methods. We show 6 metrics (see [9] for details):

  • c-index: concordance index. Equivalent to AUC with censored data.
  • dcal_max_dev: maximum decile deviation from calibrated distribution.
  • dcal_pval: p-value from chi-square test checking for D-Calibration. If larger than 0.05 then the model is D-Calibrated.
  • ibs: approximate integrated brier score, the average brier score across all time windows.
  • inference_time: time to perform inference, recorded on a 2018 MacBook Pro.
  • training_time: time to perform training, recorded on a 2018 MacBook Pro.

We executed all methods with default parameters. For vanilla XGBoost and xgbse, early stopping was used, with num_boosting_rounds=1000, and early_stopping_rounds=10. We show results below for five datasets.



model c-index dcal_max_dev dcal_pval ibs inference_time training_time
Weibull AFT 0.789 0.013 0.849 0.099 0.006 0.537
Cox-PH 0.788 0.011 0.971 0.099 0.005 0.942
XGBSE - Debiased BCE 0.784 0.037 0 0.117 0.233 3.062
XGBSE - Bootstrap Trees 0.781 0.009 0.985 0.1 0.382 15.351
XGBSE - Kaplan Neighbors 0.777 0.013 0.918 0.102 0.543 0.479
XGBSE - Stacked Weibull 0.776 0.008 0.994 0.103 0.011 0.719
XGB - Cox 0.775 nan nan nan 0.001 0.054
XGB - AFT 0.772 nan nan nan 0.001 0.106
XGBSE - Kaplan Tree 0.768 0.011 0.929 0.103 0.003 0.167


model c-index dcal_max_dev dcal_pval ibs inference_time training_time
XGBSE - Stacked Weibull 0.63 0.045 0.146 0.162 0.01 0.525
XGBSE - Debiased BCE 0.627 0.033 0.128 0.165 0.09 3.165
XGBSE - Bootstrap Trees 0.624 0.024 0.563 0.155 0.301 6.165
Weibull AFT 0.622 0.024 0.667 0.154 0.005 0.284
Cox-PH 0.622 0.026 0.567 0.154 0.004 0.244
XGB - Cox 0.617 nan nan nan 0.001 0.096
XGBSE - Kaplan Neighbors 0.605 0.023 0.588 0.163 0.111 0.154
XGB - AFT 0.6 nan nan nan 0.001 0.044
XGBSE - Kaplan Tree 0.59 0.036 0.18 0.165 0.002 0.05


model c-index dcal_max_dev dcal_pval ibs inference_time training_time
XGBSE - Stacked Weibull 0.826 0.05 0 0.113 0.019 2.255
XGBSE - Bootstrap Trees 0.826 0.035 0 0.097 0.534 44.736
XGBSE - Kaplan Neighbors 0.824 0.038 0 0.1 15.662 1.504
XGBSE - Debiased BCE 0.824 0.068 0 0.108 0.285 4.562
XGB - Cox 0.824 nan nan nan 0.002 0.375
XGB - AFT 0.823 nan nan nan 0.001 0.243
XGBSE - Kaplan Tree 0.821 0.044 0 0.101 0.006 0.49
Weibull AFT 0.787 0.057 0 0.136 0.01 0.326
Cox-PH 0.787 0.055 0 0.135 0.021 2.267


model c-index dcal_max_dev dcal_pval ibs inference_time training_time
XGBSE - Stacked Weibull 0.697 0.04 0 0.171 0.153 32.469
XGB - AFT 0.691 nan nan nan 0.004 7.413
XGBSE - Debiased BCE 0.69 0.045 0 0.169 1.141 47.814
XGB - Cox 0.686 nan nan nan 0.002 4.885
Cox-PH 0.682 0.035 0 0.165 0.039 1.84
Weibull AFT 0.682 0.039 0 0.165 0.043 2.307
XGBSE - Bootstrap Trees 0.677 0.043 0 0.168 3.134 164.173
XGBSE - Kaplan Neighbors 0.666 0.037 0 0.175 416.382 36.759
XGBSE - Kaplan Tree 0.631 0.034 0 0.191 0.036 1.478


model c-index dcal_max_dev dcal_pval ibs inference_time training_time
XGBSE - Stacked Weibull 0.621 0.092 0 0.198 0.013 0.954
XGBSE - Debiased BCE 0.617 0.139 0 0.188 0.272 3.852
XGB - Cox 0.61 nan nan nan 0.001 0.069
XGB - AFT 0.609 nan nan nan 0.001 0.137
XGBSE - Bootstrap Trees 0.607 0.103 0 0.188 0.371 18.202
XGBSE - Kaplan Neighbors 0.601 0.099 0 0.197 1.488 0.752
XGBSE - Kaplan Tree 0.598 0.097 0 0.203 0.004 0.149
Cox-PH 0.578 0.16 0 0.201 0.006 0.465
Weibull AFT 0.576 0.138 0 0.201 0.007 0.461


  • XGBSEDebiasedBCE and XGBSEStackedWeibull show the most promising results, being in the top three methods 4 out of 5 times.
  • Other xgbse methods show good results too. In particular XGBSEKaplanTree with XGBSEBootstrapEstimator shows promising results, pointing to a direction for further research.
  • Linear methods such as the Weibull AFT and Cox-PH from lifelines are surprisingly strong, specially for datasets with a small number of samples.
  • xgbse methods show competitive results to vanilla xgboost as measured by C-index, while showing good results for "survival curve metrics". Thus, we can use xgbse as a calibrated replacement to vanilla xgboost.
  • xgbse takes longer to fit than vanilla xgboost. Specially for XGBSEDebiasedBCE, we have to build N logistic regressions where N is the number of time windows we'll predict. In all cases we used N = 30. XGBSEStackedWeibull is the most efficient method, behind XGBSEKaplanTree.